Device Loans

Having the ability to try out devices and equipment in your own environments will lead you to make more informed decisions about devices

Device Loan Program

Recognizing that our device demonstrations in our facilities cannot give you the same level of experience as the ability to use AT devices and equipment in your own environment, we also offer an AT Device Loan Program.

Device Loans (borrow) allows for trial use of devices for up to 90 days to assistance in selecting the appropriate device/ equipment prior to permanent acquisition.

This program can provide you with the opportunity to borrow devices and equipment to try out in your own home, at work, and at school. Ideally, following a device demonstration, you would decide on an AT device that you think would work well in your environments, and then borrow it.

Any Louisiana resident with a disability or functional limitation, organizations that work with those residents, or employers of those residents are eligible to use LATAN’s Device Loan Program. For a small fee, devices may be borrowed for thirty-five (35) days.

Our device loans can be extremely helpful in the preliminary stages of purchasing a new device since many AT devices and equipment are only available through catalogs or from out-of-town vendors.

Mistaken purchases can lead to frustration, unnecessary expenses, and even abandonment of devices and equipment, which can be devastating. Having the ability to try out devices and equipment in your own environments will lead you to make more informed decisions about devices when it comes time to make the purchase.

We hope to save you hassle, time and money with our device demonstrations and loans, so contact us today at location at 225-925-9500, or email us at

To make a device loan payment, click here Device Loan Payment


LATAN is a 501(c)(3) statewide nonprofit organization with the mission to help people of all ages with functional limitations or disabilities to gain greater independence at work, home, or school through the use of Assistive Technology(AT).

Payment Options: We accept Healthy Blue, LA Healthcare Connections, AmeriHealth, Caritas, Medicare, Private Pay and a Sliding Fee Scale is available.

Device Demonstrations and items available on the AT Marketplace are available at no charge. For other services, such as the availability of Hotspots and tablets, assistance via the AT Lease program or Device Loan is available.

Note: For low-income families, additional options for acquisition are available.

For these services and more, LATAN can assist with navigating or even, tailoring a program to meet individual needs as applicable to ensure access to technology.

Safety: As an accredited AT/DME provider, LATAN has PPE available and has been following OSHA, CDC, and Medicare guidelines for proper cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing all devices on display in our Demo Center, as well as those available for borrowing and on the AT Marketplace. For individuals and families who are uncomfortable with face to face visits, services may be conducted virtually, and "some" devices may be shipped by mail.

Contact us for additional information.



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